Selection Sort in Python

Published on 23 December 2018 (Updated: 15 May 2023)

Welcome to the Selection Sort in Python page! Here, you'll find the source code for this program as well as a description of how the program works.

Current Solution

import sys

def selection_sort(xs, sorted_xs=None):
    sorted_xs = sorted_xs or []
    if len(xs) <= 0:
        return sorted_xs
    x = min(xs)
    return selection_sort(xs, sorted_xs)

def input_list(list_str):
    return [int(x.strip(" "), 10) for x in list_str.split(',')]

def exit_with_error():
    print('Usage: please provide a list of at least two integers to sort in the format "1, 2, 3, 4, 5"')

def main(args):
        xs = input_list(args[0])
        if len(xs) <= 1:
    except (IndexError, ValueError):

if __name__ == "__main__":

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How to Implement the Solution

Let's dig into the code a bit. The following sections break down the Selection Sort in Python functionality.

The Main Function

Breaking down this solution bottom up,

if __name__ == "__main__":

This bit of code checks to see if this is the main module run. If it is it then calls the main function and passes user input to it. In this case the user input would be a string of numbers to sort like so: "2, 1, 10, 5, 3".

def main(args):
        xs = input_list(args[0])
        if len(xs) <= 1:
    except (IndexError, ValueError):

This is the main function of this file. It parses the input, then calls our selection sort function (and prints the results). It also deals with any errors raised.

Transform Input Parameters

def input_list(list_str):
    return [int(x.strip(" "), 10) for x in list_str.split(',')]

This function takes a string like "2, 1, 10, 5, 3", and turns into a list of numbers. It does this using a list comprehension, first we need to convert our string into a list list_str.split(',') which is a list of strings split by comma (,). So our original input string becomes ["2", " 1", " 10", " 5", " 3"]. Then for each element in the list for x in ... , we do something to it.

In this example we convert it into a decimal integer, int(x.strip(" "), 10). Then x.strip(" "), removes any whitespace so " 1" becomes "1". Then int("1", 10) converts the string "1" into a decimal number in this case 1. This is done for every item in the list so our original input of "2, 1, 10, 5, 3" becomes [2, 1, 10, 5, 3].

Throw Errors

def exit_with_error():
    print('Usage: please provide a list of at least two integers to sort in the format "1, 2, 3, 4, 5"')

This function prints a message and then exits the script with an error, sys.exit(1). If any non-zero value is returned then the program didn't complete properly. This function is called if the user input isn't correct.

Selection Sort

def selection_sort(xs, sorted_xs=None):
    sorted_xs = sorted_xs or []
    if len(xs) <= 0:
        return sorted_xs
    x = min(xs)
    return selection_sort(xs, sorted_xs)

Now onto the main part of the program, this is the function that actually sorts our list. The selection_sort() takes two parameters xs which is the unsorted list and sorted_xs which funnily enough is the current sorted list. When you first call the selection_sort() function you then pass it to your unsorted list as sorted_xs=None by default.

If the sorted_xs value is set (not None) then we make sorted_xs equal itself, else sorted_xs equals [] (an empty list). You should never make a mutable object a default argument in Python as you get can get unexpected result. You can get more information here. Therefore we set sorted_xs=None instead of sorted_xs=[].

Then we check if xs is empty (<=0), which would mean we have sorted every element, then we return the sorted_xs which is the sorted this. We can do this because as we sort element we move them from xs to sorted_xs ( items get removed from the xs list).

If xs still has items then that means we haven't completely sorted the list. We found the smallest value in x = min(xs). We append that value to sorted_xs and then we remove it from the xs list. Finally, we call the selection sort function with the new xs and sorted_xs values. This repeats until xs is empty and you are left with a completely sorted sorted_xs.

Taking a look at a simple example where we want to sort [5, 1, 3].





How to Run the Solution

If we want to run this program, we should probably download a copy of Selection Sort in Python. After that, we should make sure we have the latest Python interpreter. From there, we can run the following command in the terminal:

python "3, 2, 10, 6, 1, 7"

Alternatively, we can copy the solution into an online Python interpreter and hit run.