Roman Numeral in Go

Published on 25 October 2018 (Updated: 01 April 2019)

Welcome to the Roman Numeral in Go page! Here, you'll find the source code for this program as well as a description of how the program works.

Current Solution

package main

import "fmt"
import "os"

func exitWithError(msg string) {

func toRoman(input string) (total int) {
	var i = 0
	var temp1 int
	var temp2 int

	var numerals = map[string]int{
		"I": 1,
		"V": 5,
		"X": 10,
		"L": 50,
		"C": 100,
		"D": 500,
		"M": 1000,

	//While i is within bounds of input
	for i < len(input) {
		//Get the current value
		temp1 = numerals[string(input[i])]
		if temp1 == 0 {
			exitWithError("Error: invalid string of roman numerals")

		//If we still have input left to compare, check if we need to
		//	subtract from the next value
		if len(input) > i+1 {
			//Get the next value
			temp2 = numerals[string(input[i+1])]
			if temp2 == 0 {
				exitWithError("Error: invalid string of roman numerals")

			//If the current value is >= next, use it's mapped value
			if temp1 >= temp2 {
				total += temp1
				//Otherwise, adjust for the subtraction and skip next
			} else {
				total += temp2 - temp1
				i += 2
			//Otherwise, just add the current value to the total
		} else {
			total += temp1

func main() {
	//Args or die
	if len(os.Args) != 2 {
		exitWithError("Usage: please provide a string of roman numerals")

	roman := toRoman(os.Args[1])
	fmt.Printf("%d\n", roman)

Roman Numeral in Go was written by:

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How to Implement the Solution

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How to Run the Solution

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