Quick Sort in Rust

Published on 03 October 2022 (Updated: 03 October 2022)

Welcome to the Quick Sort in Rust page! Here, you'll find the source code for this program as well as a description of how the program works.

Current Solution

fn quicksort_recursive<T: std::cmp::PartialOrd + Clone>(mut vector: Vec<T>) -> Vec<T> {
    match vector.len() {
        0|1 => vector,
        _ => {
            let pivot = vector.pop().unwrap(); // len is always greater than 1 here, so this is safe
            let lesser: Vec<T> = vector.iter().cloned().filter(|i| i.lt(&pivot)).collect();
            let greater: Vec<T> = vector.into_iter().filter(|i| i.ge(&pivot)).collect();
            let mut lesser = quicksort_recursive(lesser);

fn main() {
    let usage_msg = "Usage: please provide a list of at least two integers to sort in the format \"1, 2, 3, 4, 5\"";

    let mut args = std::env::args();
    args.next(); // first arg is command name, so ignore it

    let input_str = args.next().unwrap_or_else(|| {eprintln!("{usage_msg}"); std::process::exit(-1)});
    let input_vec: Vec<i32> = input_str.split(",") // parse comma separated input into a i32 vector
        .map(|x| x.trim()
            .unwrap_or_else(|_| {eprintln!("{usage_msg}"); std::process::exit(-1)}))

    if input_vec.len() < 2 {

    println!("{:?}", quicksort_recursive(input_vec));

Quick Sort in Rust was written by:

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How to Implement the Solution

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How to Run the Solution

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