A Collection of Code Snippets in as Many Programming Languages as Possible
This project is maintained by TheRenegadeCoder
Welcome to the Merge Sort in Octave page! Here, you'll find the source code for this program as well as a description of how the program works.
function merge_sort()
%input validation
usage = 'Usage: please provide a list of at least two integers to sort in the format "1, 2, 3, 4, 5"';
arg_list = argv();
nargin = length(arg_list);
if nargin == 0
%if there was no input
array_string = arg_list{1};
array_size = sum(array_string == ',') + 1;
if array_size < 2
%build array
array = str2num(array_string);
if length(array) ~= array_size || any(mod(array, 1) ~= 0)
%merge sort in ascending order
array = MyMergeSort(array);
%convert to string
result_string = num2str(array);
%replace space with ', '
result_string = regexprep(result_string, '\s+', ', ');
function [result] = MyMergeSort( x )
% Sort vector 'x' using the merge sort algorithm
% result is a vector consisting of the sorted values of 'x'
% in ascended order
% Takes O( n log n ) time
% Requires extra memory for merging results
n = length(x);
if n == 1
% Stop the recursion, if we are down to one element in list
result = x;
m = floor(n/2); % Get the half way point
r1 = MyMergeSort( x(1:m) ); % Sort first half recursively...
r2 = MyMergeSort( x(m+1:n) ); % Sort 2nd half recursively...
result = MyMerge( r1, r2 ); % Merge the two halves in sorted order
function c = MyMerge( a, b )
% Merges 2 vectors a,b into a result vector c
% assumes a, b are already sorted
% 'c' will also be in sorted order
aLen = length(a); % get length of a
bLen = length(b); % get length of b
cLen = aLen+bLen;
c = zeros(1,cLen); % pre-allocate 'c' to correct size
% Initialize starting indices
aIdx = 1;
bIdx = 1;
for cIdx = 1:cLen
% Should we grab from 'a' or 'b' ???
if aIdx > aLen
% All done with 'a' vector, grab from 'b' vector.
c(cIdx) = b(bIdx);
bIdx = bIdx + 1;
elseif bIdx > bLen
% All done with 'b' vector, grab from 'a' vector
c(cIdx) = a(aIdx);
aIdx = aIdx + 1;
elseif a(aIdx) <= b(bIdx)
% a(i) <= b(i), grab from 'a' vector
c(cIdx) = a(aIdx);
aIdx = aIdx + 1;
% b(i) < a(i), grab from 'b' vector
c(cIdx) = b(bIdx);
bIdx = bIdx + 1;
% BY - Nikhil Gupta
% GitHub - nikkkhil067
Merge Sort in Octave was written by:
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