Maximum Array Rotation in Rust

Published on 09 April 2023 (Updated: 08 May 2023)

Welcome to the Maximum Array Rotation in Rust page! Here, you'll find the source code for this program as well as a description of how the program works.

Current Solution

use std::env::args;
use std::process::exit;
use std::str::FromStr;
use std::cmp::max;

fn usage() -> ! {
    println!("Usage: please provide a list of integers (e.g. \"8, 3, 1, 2\")");

fn parse_int<T: FromStr>(s: &str) -> Result<T, <T as FromStr>::Err> {

fn parse_int_list<T: FromStr>(s: &str) -> Result<Vec<T>, <T as FromStr>::Err> {
        .collect::<Result<Vec<T>, <T as FromStr>::Err>>()

// Find maximum array rotation, max{W(k), k=0..N-1}, where:
//     W(k) = sum{i*a[i+k mod N], i=0..N-1}
// The value of W(k) can be calculated from W(k-1) as follows:
//     W(k) = W(k-1) - S + N*a[k-1]
// where:
//     S = sum{a[i], i=0..N-1} = sum{a[i+x mod N], i=0..N-1}
// where: x is any arbitary value
// Proof:
// - Set up initial assumption for W(k):
//     W(k-1) - S + N*a[k-1] = sum{i*a[i+k-1 mod N], i=0..N-1} - sum{a[i+k-1 mod N}, i=0..N-1} + N*a[k-1]
// - Combine the two sums:
//     = sum{(i-1)*a[i+k-1 mod N], i=0..N-1} + N*a[k-1]
// - Pull out the i=0 term:
//     = -a[k-1] + sum{(i-1)*a[i+k-1 mod N], i=1..N-1} + N*a[k-1]
// - Combine the a[k-1] terms:
//     = sum{(i-1}*a[i+k-1 mod N], i=1..N-1) + (N-1)*a[k-1]
// - Change indexing from i=1..N-1 to 0..N-2:
//     = sum{i*a[i+k mod N], i=0..N-2} + (N-1)*a[k-1]
// - Bring the i=N-1 term back into the sum since N-1+k mod N equals k-1:
//     = sum{i*a[i+k mod N], i=0..N-1}
// - The above equals W(k)
fn maximum_array_rotation(arr: &Vec<i32>) -> i32 {
    // Calculate sum and initial array rotation
    let s: i32 = arr.iter()
    let n: usize = arr.len();
    let mut w: i32 = (0..n)
        .map(|i| (i as i32) * arr[i])

    // Initialize maximum array rotation
    let mut wmax: i32 = w;

    // Adjust array rotation and update maximum
    for value in arr.iter().take(n - 1) {
        w += (n as i32) * value - s;
        wmax = max(w, wmax);


fn main() {
    let mut args = args().skip(1);

    // Convert 1st command-line argument to list of integers
    let arr: Vec<i32> = args
        .and_then(|s| parse_int_list(&s).ok())
        .unwrap_or_else(|| usage());

    // Get maximum array rotation and display it
    println!("{}", maximum_array_rotation(&arr));

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