Job Sequencing in Python

Published on 19 November 2018 (Updated: 19 March 2023)

Welcome to the Job Sequencing in Python page! Here, you'll find the source code for this program as well as a description of how the program works.

Current Solution

import sys

class Job:
    def __init__(self, profit, deadline):
        self.profit = profit
        self.deadline = deadline

    def __eq__(self, other):
        return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__

    def __gt__(self, other):
        return self.profit > other.profit

    def __lt__(self, other):
        return self.profit < other.profit

def input_list(list_str):
    return [int(x.strip(" "), 10) for x in list_str.split(',')]

def max_profit(jobs):
    return sum([j.profit for _, j in iterate_job_sequence(jobs).items()])

def iterate_job_sequence(available, complete=None):
    complete = complete or {}
    if not available:
        return complete
    max_job = max(available)
    index_opts = [i for i in range(0, max_job.deadline) if i not in complete]
    new_index = max(index_opts) if index_opts else -1
    if new_index >= 0:
        complete[new_index] = max_job
    return iterate_job_sequence(available, complete)

def exit_with_error():
    print('Usage: please provide a list of profits and a list of deadlines')

def main(args):
        profits = input_list(args[0])
        deadlines = input_list(args[1])
        if len(profits) != len(deadlines):

        jobs = [Job(p, d) for p, d in zip(profits, deadlines)]
    except (IndexError, ValueError):

if __name__ == "__main__":

Job Sequencing in Python was written by:

If you see anything you'd like to change or update, please consider contributing.

How to Implement the Solution

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How to Run the Solution

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