Dijkstra in Php

Published on 27 March 2023 (Updated: 27 March 2023)

Welcome to the Dijkstra in Php page! Here, you'll find the source code for this program as well as a description of how the program works.

Current Solution

function usage()
        "Usage: please provide three inputs: a serialized matrix, " .
        "a source node and a destination node"

function parse_int($str_value)
    // Remove leading and trailing spaces
    $str_value = trim($str_value);

    // Make sure all digits
    if (preg_match("/[+-]?^\d+$/", $str_value) === FALSE)
        return FALSE;

    // Make sure valid integer
    if (
                'options' => array(
                    'decimal' => TRUE,
                    'min_range' => PHP_INT_MIN,
                    'max_range' => PHP_INT_MAX
        ) === FALSE
        return FALSE;

    return intval($str_value);

function parse_int_array($str_values)
    $str_array = explode(",", $str_values);
    $values = array();
    foreach ($str_array as $str_value)
        $value = parse_int($str_value);
        if ($value === FALSE)
            return FALSE;

        array_push($values, $value);

    return $values;

function validate_inputs($weights, $num_vertices, $src, $dest)
    // Verify number of weights is a square
    if (count($weights) != $num_vertices * $num_vertices)
        return FALSE;

    // Verify weights greater than equal to zero
    if (min($weights) < 0)
        return FALSE;

    # Verify any non-zero weights
    if (
            array_filter($weights, function ($weight) { return $weight != 0; })
        ) == 0
        return FALSE;

    # Verify source and destination are in range
    if ($src < 0 or $src >= $num_vertices or $dest < 0 or $dest >= $num_vertices)
        return FALSE;

    return TRUE;

function create_graph($weights, $num_vertices)
    // Initialize nodes
    $nodes = array_map(
        function ($id) { return new Node($id); },
        range(0, $num_vertices - 1)

    // Get neighbors for this node based on weights
    $index = 0;
    for ($row = 0; $row < $num_vertices; $row++)
        for ($col = 0; $col < $num_vertices; $col++, $index++)
            if ($weights[$index] > 0)
                $nodes[$row]->add_child($col, $weights[$index]);

    return $nodes;

class Node
    public $index;
    public $children;

    public function __construct($index)
        $this->index = $index;
        $this->children = array();

    public function add_child($index, $weight)
        array_push($this->children, new NodeItem($index, $weight));

class NodeItem
    public $index;
    public $weight;

    public function __construct($index, $weight)
        $this->index = $index;
        $this->weight = $weight;

// Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dijkstra%27s_algorithm#Pseudocode
function dijkstra($graph, $src)
    // Initialize distances to infinite and previous vertices to undefined
    // Set source vertex distance to 0
    // Indicate all nodes unvisited
    $num_vertices = count($graph);
    $results = array_map(
        function ($_) { return new DisktraItem(); },
        range(0, $num_vertices - 1)
    $results[$src]->dist = 0;

    // While any unvisited nodes
    for ($i = 0; $i < $num_vertices; $i++)
        // Pick a vertex u with minimum distance from unvisited nodes
        $u = find_min_dist_index($results);

        // Indicate vertex u visited
        $results[$u]->visited = TRUE;

        // For each unvisited neighbor v of vertex u
        foreach ($graph[$u]->children as $node)
            $v = $node->index;
            if (!$results[$v]->visited)
                // Get trial distance
                $alt = $results[$u]->dist + $node->weight;

                // If trial distance is smaller than distance v, update distance to v and
                // previous vertex of v
                if ($alt < $results[$v]->dist)
                    $results[$v]->dist = $alt;
                    $results[$v]->prev = $u;

    return $results;

function find_min_dist_index($results)
    $min_dist = PHP_INT_MAX;
    $min_index = -1;
    foreach ($results as $v => $result)
        if (!$result->visited && $result->dist < $min_dist)
            $min_dist = $result->dist;
            $min_index = $v;

    return $min_index;

class DisktraItem
    public $prev;
    public $dist;
    public $visited;

    public function __construct()
        $this->prev = -1;
        $this->dist = PHP_INT_MAX;
        $this->visited = FALSE;

// Exit if too few arguments
if (count($argv) < 4)

// Parse arguments. Exit if invalid
$weights = parse_int_array($argv[1]);
$src = parse_int($argv[2]);
$dest = parse_int($argv[3]);
if ($weights === FALSE || $src === FALSE || $dest === FALSE)

// Validate inputs
$num_vertices = round(sqrt(count($weights)));
if (!validate_inputs($weights, $num_vertices, $src, $dest))

// Create graph from weights
$graph = create_graph($weights, $num_vertices);

// Run Dijkstra's algorithm on graph and show distance to destination
$results = dijkstra($graph, $src);
printf("%d\n", $results[$dest]->dist);

Dijkstra in Php was written by:

If you see anything you'd like to change or update, please consider contributing.

How to Implement the Solution

No 'How to Implement the Solution' section available. Please consider contributing.

How to Run the Solution

No 'How to Run the Solution' section available. Please consider contributing.