A Collection of Code Snippets in as Many Programming Languages as Possible
This project is maintained by TheRenegadeCoder
Welcome to the Convex Hull in Php page! Here, you'll find the source code for this program as well as a description of how the program works.
function usage()
'Usage: please provide at least 3 x and y coordinates as separate lists ' .
'(e.g. "100, 440, 210")'
function parse_int($str_value)
// Remove leading and trailing spaces
$str_value = trim($str_value);
// Make sure all digits
if (preg_match("/^[+-]?\d+$/", $str_value) === FALSE)
return FALSE;
// Make sure valid integer
if (
'options' => array(
'decimal' => TRUE,
'min_range' => PHP_INT_MIN,
'max_range' => PHP_INT_MAX
) === FALSE
return FALSE;
return intval($str_value);
function parse_int_array($str_values)
$str_array = explode(",", $str_values);
$values = array();
foreach ($str_array as $str_value)
$value = parse_int($str_value);
if ($value === FALSE)
return FALSE;
array_push($values, $value);
return $values;
// Combine values into a set of points
function form_points($x_values, $y_values)
return array_map(
function ($x, $y) { return new Point($x, $y); },
$x_values, $y_values
// Find Convex Hull using Jarvis' algorithm
// Source: https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/convex-hull-using-jarvis-algorithm-or-wrapping/
function convex_hull($points)
$n = count($points);
// Initialize hull points
$hull_points = array();
// The first point is the leftmost point with the highest y-coord in the
// event of a tie
$l = find_leftmost_point($points);
// Repeat until wrapped around to first hull point
$p = $l;
// Store convex hull point
array_push($hull_points, $points[$p]);
$q = ($p + 1) % $n;
for ($j = 0; $j < $n; $j++)
// If point j is more counter-clockwise, then update end point (q)
if (orientation($points[$p], $points[$j], $points[$q]) < 0)
$q = $j;
$p = $q;
while ($p != $l);
return $hull_points;
function find_leftmost_point($points)
$n = count($points);
$leftmost_point = new Point(PHP_INT_MAX, PHP_INT_MIN);
$leftmost_index = 0;
foreach ($points as $k => $point)
// In the event of a tie, pick the point with the greater y-coord
if (
$point->x < $leftmost_point->x or
($point->x == $leftmost_point->x and $point->y > $leftmost_point->y)
$leftmost_point = $point;
$leftmost_index = $k;
return $leftmost_index;
// Get orientation of three points
// 0 = points are in a line
// > 0 = points are clockwise
// < 0 = points are counter-clockwise
function orientation($p, $q, $r)
return (
($q->y - $p->y) * ($r->x - $q->x) -
($q->x - $p->x) * ($r->y - $q->y)
function show_points($points)
foreach ($points as $point)
printf("%s\n", $point->to_string());
class Point
public $x;
public $y;
public function __construct($x, $y)
$this->x = $x;
$this->y = $y;
public function to_string()
return "({$this->x}, {$this->y})";
// Exit if too few arguments
if (count($argv) < 3 || empty($argv[1]) || empty($argv[2]))
// Exit if 1st or 2nd argument invalid
$x_values = parse_int_array($argv[1]);
$y_values = parse_int_array($argv[2]);
if ($x_values === FALSE || $y_values === FALSE)
// Exit if not same number of points or less than 3 points
$num_x = count($x_values);
$num_y = count($y_values);
if ($num_x != $num_y || $num_x < 3)
// Combine values into set of points
$points = form_points($x_values, $y_values);
// Get convex hull of points and show points
$hull_points = convex_hull($points);
Convex Hull in Php was written by:
If you see anything you'd like to change or update, please consider contributing.
No 'How to Implement the Solution' section available. Please consider contributing.
No 'How to Run the Solution' section available. Please consider contributing.