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Welcome to the Merge Sort in Groovy page! Here, you'll find the source code for this program as well as a description of how the program works.
class MergeSort {
static sort(int[] data) { sort(data, 0, data.length - 1) }
* Sorts the range data[start..end] in O(nlgn) time and O(n) space.
static sort(int[] data, int start, int end) {
if (end > start) {
int middle = (int) ((start + end) / 2)
// Sort the left and right sides separately.
sort(data, start, middle)
sort(data, middle + 1, end)
// Intertwine the data into one sorted list.
mergeLists(data, start, middle, end)
* Merges the two sorted sublists of data[start..middle] and data[middle+1..end].
* O(n) time and memory.
static mergeLists(int[] data, int start, int middle, int end) {
// Copy the left and right arrays because we'll be overwriting them.
int[] left = Arrays.copyOfRange(data, start, middle+1)
int[] right = Arrays.copyOfRange(data, middle+1, end+1)
// Now, merge the lists by repeatedly adding the biggest value, from whichever list has it.
int i = start, l = 0, r = 0 // l and r are indexes in left and right
while (l < left.length && r < right.length)
data[i++] = (left[l] <= right[r]) ? left[l++] : right[r++]
// Add any leftovers on one side.
while (l < left.length)
data[i++] = left[l++]
while (r < right.length)
data[i++] = right[r++]
static int[] convert_to_ints(def args) {
int[] argsint = []
if (args?.size() >= 1) {
try {
argsint = args[0].split(",").collect { it.trim().toInteger() }
catch (NumberFormatException _) {
public static void main(def args) {
int[] argsint = convert_to_ints(args)
if (argsint.size() < 2) {
println 'Usage: please provide a list of at least two integers to sort in the format "1, 2, 3, 4, 5"'
} else {
println argsint
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