Longest Word in Euphoria

Published on 17 February 2023 (Updated: 17 February 2023)

Welcome to the Longest Word in Euphoria page! Here, you'll find the source code for this program as well as a description of how the program works.

Current Solution

include std/io.e
include std/regex.e as re
include std/text.e
include std/math.e

function longest_word(sequence s)
    -- Trim off leading and trailing whitespace, then split into words
    sequence words = split(re:new(`\s+`), trim(s))

    -- Find longest word
    integer longest = 0
    for n = 1 to length(words)
        longest = max({longest, length(words[n])})
    end for

    return longest
end function

procedure usage()
    printf(STDOUT, "Usage: please provide a string")
end procedure

-- Parse 1st command-line argument
sequence argv = command_line()
if length(argv) < 4 or length(argv[4]) = 0
end if

-- Get longest word length and display it
sequence s = argv[4]
printf(STDOUT, "%d\n", longest_word(s))

Longest Word in Euphoria was written by:

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How to Implement the Solution

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How to Run the Solution

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