Longest Word in Brainfuck

Published on 22 December 2023 (Updated: 22 December 2023)

Welcome to the Longest Word in Brainfuck page! Here, you'll find the source code for this program as well as a description of how the program works.

Current Solution

    Source for comparing two numbers:

    Source for printing memory value as number:

    Source for error message
; Mem 0 = 1 (indicate no input)
; Mem 1 = 0 (word length)
; Mem 2 = 0 (max word length)
; Mem 3 = input; Loop while input not null
    ; Mem 5 = 1 (assume whitespace)
    ; Mem 0 = 0 (indicate input)
    ; Sub 9 from Mem 3; If not zero (not tab)
        ; Dec Mem 3; If not zero (not newline)
            ; Sub 3 from Mem 3; If not zero (not carriage return)
                ; Sub 19 from Mem 3; If not zero (not space)
                >[-]+++[            ; Mem 4 = 3
                    <------         ; Sub 6 from Mem 3
                    >-              ; Dec Mem 4
                <-                  ; Dec Mem 3
                    ; Inc Mem 1 (word length)
                    ; Copy Mem 1 (word length) to Mem 7 and Mem 9; Mem 1 = 0
                        >>>>>>+     ; Inc Mem 7
                        >>+         ; Inc Mem 9
                        <<<<<<<<-   ; Dec Mem 1
                    ; Copy Mem 2 (max word length) to Mem 6 and 10; Mem 2 = 0
                        >>>>+       ; Inc Mem 6
                        >>>>+       ; Inc Mem 10
                        <<<<<<<<-   ; Dec Mem 2
                    ; Mem 3 = 0
                    ; Mem 4 = 1
                    ; Mem 5 = 0
                    ; Mem 8 = 0
                    ; If Mem 6 (max word length) less than Mem 7 (word length);
                    ; pointer is 6; Mem 6 is 0; Mem 7 is word length minus max word length;
                    ; else pointer is 5; Mem 5 is 0; Mem 6 is max word length minus word length
                    ; If less than
                        ; Increment Mem 10 (max word length)
                        ; Move pointer to Mem 3
                    ; Mem 6 = 0
                    ; Mem 7 = 0
                    ; Copy Mem 9 (word length) back to Mem 1; Mem 9 = 0
                        <<<<<<<<+   ; Inc Mem 1
                        >>>>>>>>-   ; Dec Mem 9
                    ; Copy Mem 10 (max word length) back to Mem 2; Mem 10 = 0
                        <<<<<<<<+   ; Inc Mem 2
                        >>>>>>>>-   ; Dec Mem 10
                    ; Set pointer to Mem 3

    ; If Mem 5 not zero (whitespace)
        ; Mem 1 = 0 (word length)

        ; Mem 5 = 0
    ; Mem 4 = 0
    ; Mem 3 = input
; If Mem 2 (max word length) not zero
    ; Display it as a number
    ; Clear it
; If no input; display error message

Longest Word in Brainfuck was written by:

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How to Implement the Solution

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How to Run the Solution

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