Job Sequencing in C#

Published on 10 November 2024 (Updated: 10 November 2024)

Welcome to the Job Sequencing in C# page! Here, you'll find the source code for this program as well as a description of how the program works.

Current Solution

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;

// shows a job with profit and deadline properties
class Job 
    public int Profit { get; set; }
    public int Deadline { get; set; }

    // constructor to initialize the job with profits and deadline
    public Job(int profit, int deadline)
        Profit = profit;
        Deadline = deadline;

class JobSequencing
    static void Main(string[] args)
        // check if 2 arugments are provided (lists of profits and deadlines)
        if (args.Length < 2)
            Console.WriteLine("Usage: please provide a list of profits and a list of deadlines");

        // parse the list of profits from the first arugment
        var profitList = args[0].Split(',').Select(p => int.TryParse(p.Trim(), out int x) ? x : (int?)null).ToList();

        // parse the list of profits from the second arugment
        var deadlineList = args[1].Split(',').Select(d => int.TryParse(d.Trim(), out int x) ? x : (int?)null).ToList();

        // Validate inputs
        if (profitList.Contains(null) || deadlineList.Contains(null) || profitList.Count != deadlineList.Count)
            Console.WriteLine("Usage: please provide a list of profits and a list of deadlines");

        // combine both profits and deadline sinto job objects
        var jobs = profitList.Zip(deadlineList, (p, d) => new Job(p.Value, d.Value)).ToList();

        // calculate the max profit
        var result = GetMaxProfitJobSequence(jobs);

        // output of total profit
        Console.WriteLine(result.Sum(job => job.Profit));

    // method to calculate the max profits
    public static List<Job> GetMaxProfitJobSequence(List<Job> jobs)

        // sort jobs in descending order
        jobs.Sort((a, b) => b.Profit.CompareTo(a.Profit));

        // find the max deadline of the time slots
        int maxDeadline = jobs.Max(job => job.Deadline);

        // create voolean array to mark time taken of time slots
        var timeSlots = new bool[maxDeadline];

        // store the selected job sequence
        var jobSequence = new List<Job>();

        foreach (var job in jobs)
            for (int i = job.Deadline - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                // time slot is availble the scedule the job
                if (!timeSlots[i])
                    timeSlots[i] = true;

        // return the selected jobs
        return jobSequence;

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How to Implement the Solution

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How to Run the Solution

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