A Collection of Code Snippets in as Many Programming Languages as Possible
This project is maintained by TheRenegadeCoder
Welcome to the Job Sequencing in Beef page! Here, you'll find the source code for this program as well as a description of how the program works.
using System;
using System.Collections;
namespace System.Collections
extension List<T>
where T : IMinMaxValue<T>
where int : operator T <=> T
public T Max()
T max = T.MinValue;
for (T val in this)
if (val > max)
max = val;
return max;
namespace JobSequencing;
struct JobInfo<T>
where int : operator T <=> T
public int mJobId;
public T mProfit;
public int mDeadline;
public this(int jobId = 0, T profit = default(T), int deadline = 0)
mJobId = jobId;
mProfit = profit;
mDeadline = deadline;
public bool IsAvailable => mJobId < 1;
static public int operator <=>(JobInfo<T> lhs, JobInfo<T> rhs)
// Reverse order of compare so that it is in descending order by profit
// then deadline
int result = rhs.mProfit <=> lhs.mProfit;
if (result == 0)
result = rhs.mDeadline <=> lhs.mDeadline;
return result;
class JobList<T> : List<JobInfo<T>>
where T : operator T + T
where int : operator T <=> T
public this()
public this(List<T> profits, List<int> deadlines)
for (int i < profits.Count)
this.Add(.(i + 1, profits[i], deadlines[i]));
public void AddEmptyJobs(int numJobs)
for (int i < numJobs)
public T GetTotalProfit()
T sum = default(T);
for (JobInfo<T> job in this)
sum += job.mProfit;
return sum;
class Program
public static void Usage()
Console.WriteLine("Usage: please provide a list of profits and a list of deadlines");
public static Result<T> ParseInt<T>(StringView str)
where T : IParseable<T>
StringView trimmedStr = scope String(str);
// T.Parse ignores single quotes since they are treat as digit separators -- e.g. 1'000
if (trimmedStr.Contains('\''))
return .Err;
return T.Parse(trimmedStr);
public static Result<void> ParseIntList<T>(StringView str, List<T> arr)
where T: IParseable<T>
for (StringView item in str.Split(','))
switch (ParseInt<T>(item))
case .Ok(let val):
case .Err:
return .Err;
return .Ok;
// Job sequencing with deadlines
// Source: https://www.techiedelight.com/job-sequencing-problem-deadlines/
public static void JobSequencing<T>(List<T> profits, List<int> deadlines, JobList<T> slots)
where T : operator T + T
where int : operator T <=> T
// Set up job details
JobList<T> jobs = scope .(profits, deadlines);
// Get longest deadline
int longestDeadline = deadlines.Max();
// Initialize job slots
// Sort jobs by profit then deadline
// For each job, see if there is available slot at or before the deadline.
// If so, store this job in that slot
for (JobInfo<T> job in jobs)
for (int j in (0..<job.mDeadline).Reversed)
if (slots[j].IsAvailable)
slots[j] = job;
public static int Main(String[] args)
if (args.Count < 2)
List<int32> profits = scope .();
if (ParseIntList(args[0], profits) case .Err)
List<int> deadlines = scope .();
if (ParseIntList(args[1], deadlines) case .Err)
if (profits.Count != deadlines.Count)
JobList<int32> jobs = scope .();
JobSequencing<int32>(profits, deadlines, jobs);
int32 total = jobs.GetTotalProfit();
return 0;
Job Sequencing in Beef was written by:
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