Insertion Sort in Mathematica

Published on 21 January 2023 (Updated: 21 January 2023)

Welcome to the Insertion Sort in Mathematica page! Here, you'll find the source code for this program as well as a description of how the program works.

Current Solution

(* Code *)

(* The actual insertion sort which takes and returns a Mathematica list is easy: *)

insertionSort = l \[Function] NestWhile[
    (* insert a single element *)
    Module[{li = Length[#] + 1},
       #, (* sorted list so far *)
       l[[li]],(* next element to insert *)
       First[FirstPosition[#, (* at what index to insert it *)
         v_ /; v > l[[li]], (* element that is greater than the element to insert *)
         {li},(* or else insert at end *)
         {1}, Heads -> False](* only look at list elements *)]]] &,
    (* start with an empty sorted list *)
    (* while there are still elements left to insert into the sorted list *)
    Length[#] < Length[l] &];

(* The outer function provides the 'user interface': *)

insertionSortMain = Function[{l},
   Module[{e = "Usage: please provide a list of at least two integers to sort in the format \"1, 2, 3, 4, 5\""},
     StringRiffle[(* format output as required *)
      insertionSort @@ Map[
        (* convert string to integer, or throw *)
        s \[Function] If[StringMatchQ[s, DigitCharacter ..],
        (* construct arguments to insertion sort: list of items *)
        {If[Length[#] > 1, #, Throw[e]] &[StringSplit[l, ", "]]},
        {-1} (* at each leaf *)],
      ", "]]]];

(* Valid Tests *)

Print /@ insertionSortMain /@ {
    "4, 5, 3, 1, 2",
    "4, 5, 3, 1, 4, 2",
    "1, 2, 3, 4, 5",
    "9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1"

(* Invalid Tests *)

insertionSortMain["4 5 3"]

Insertion Sort in Mathematica was written by:

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How to Implement the Solution

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How to Run the Solution

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