Fibonacci in Fortran

Published on 16 February 2025 (Updated: 16 February 2025)

Welcome to the Fibonacci in Fortran page! Here, you'll find the source code for this program as well as a description of how the program works.

Current Solution

! In program name, - is not allowed
! works until 184 (Stop is not implemented)
program fibonacci

! Create the variables
character(26) :: low = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'                 ! Defines all lowercase letters. This is used to later scan for letters in the input as a test.
character(26) :: cap = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'                 ! Defines all uppercase letters. This is used to later scan for letters in the input as a test.
integer(kind = 16) :: previousnumber, currentnumber, addednumber, uppers, lowers, loop
character(len=10) :: argument                                      ! Defines the object we will be recieving. It will arrive as a charcters as the expectation is keyboard input.
                                                                   ! Fortran knows that 'argument' is user input, so we never need to set it to anything

! Define variables.
previousnumber = 0
currentnumber = 1
addednumber = 0

    write(*,'(g0.8)')"Usage: please input the count of fibonacci numbers to output"
    if (argument == "") then
    write(*,'(g0.8)')"Usage: please input the count of fibonacci numbers to output"

! Tests to make sure we have recieved NUMBERS and not anything else. These act as flags that will later end the program.
uppers = scan(argument, cap)    ! This will look for uppercase letters in the recieved string. If any letter is uppercase, uppers will be updated.
lowers = scan(argument, low)    ! This will look for lowercase letters in the recieved string. If any letter is lowercase, lowers will be updated.

! Will see if there are any uppercase, if so, print an error.
if (uppers > 0) then            
  write(*,'(g0.8)')"Usage: please input the count of fibonacci numbers to output"

! Will see if there are any lowercase, if so, print an error.
if (lowers > 0) then            
  write(*,'(g0.8)')"Usage: please input the count of fibonacci numbers to output"

! If all checks pass, we will enter this section.  If non pass, we will not reach this point
! Enter a loop
read (argument, '(I10)') loop
do i = 1, loop
    write(*,'(5g0)') i, ": ", currentnumber         ! Print current iteration, and current number
    addednumber = previousnumber + currentnumber    ! Replace the value of 'added number' with both 'current number' and 'previous number'
    previousnumber = currentnumber                  ! Replace the value of 'previous number' with 'current number'
    currentnumber = addednumber                     ! Replace the value of 'current number' with 'added number'
end do

end program fibonacci

Fibonacci in Fortran was written by:

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How to Implement the Solution

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How to Run the Solution

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