Even Odd in X86 64

Published on 07 May 2023 (Updated: 07 May 2023)

Welcome to the Even Odd in X86 64 page! Here, you'll find the source code for this program as well as a description of how the program works.

Current Solution

section .data
    error_msg db "Usage: please input a number"
    error_len equ $-error_msg
    even_msg db "Even"
    even_len equ $-even_msg
    odd_msg db "Odd"
    odd_len equ $-odd_msg

section .bss
    buff resb 1

section .text
    global _start

    ; Need to have at least 2 args (program name & number)
    mov rdi, [rsp]
    cmp rdi, 2
    jl error

    ; Store pointer to second arg in r8
    lea rsi, [rsp + 8]
    mov r8, [rsi + 8]

    xor r12, r12 ; r12 will hold whether we've looked at at least one byte
        ; Read one byte of the string
        mov byte al, [r8]

        ; Stop reading once we reach the null terminator
        cmp al, 0
        je end_loop

        ; Keep the last character read in bl so it doesn't get overwritten once the null is eventually read
        mov bl, al

        ; Check for minus
        cmp bl, "-"
        jne non_minus

            ; If we've already read at least one character, reading a minus is invalid
            cmp r12, 0
            jne error

            jmp valid_char

            ; If it's not a minus sign and has an ascii value not in the range '0'-'9', it's invalid
            cmp bl, '0'
            jl error
            cmp bl, '9'
            jg error

            mov r12, 1 ; Mark that at least one byte has been read
            inc r8
            jmp read_loop

        ; If we didn't read at least one character, there is an error
        cmp r12, 0
        je error

        ; If the only character we read is '-', there is an error
        cmp bl, '-'
        je error

        ; Check whether the last bit of the last char inputted is 1
        ; Because even ASCII digits have even ascii codes we don't need to convert it to the number first
        and rbx, 1
        cmp rbx, 0
        jne odd

            ; Print 'Even'
            mov rax, 1
            mov rdi, 1
            mov rsi, even_msg
            mov rdx, even_len
            jmp cleanup

            ; Print 'Odd'
            mov rax, 1
            mov rdi, 1
            mov rsi, odd_msg
            mov rdx, odd_len
            jmp cleanup

        ; Print error message
        mov rax, 1
        mov rdi, 1
        mov rsi, error_msg
        mov rdx, error_len

        ; Exit with return value 0
        mov rax, 60
        xor rdi, rdi

Even Odd in X86 64 was written by:

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How to Implement the Solution

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How to Run the Solution

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