A Collection of Code Snippets in as Many Programming Languages as Possible
This project is maintained by TheRenegadeCoder
Welcome to the Baklava in Tex page! Here, you'll find the source code for this program as well as a description of how the program works.
% Source: https://rosettacode.org/wiki/String_append#Plain_TeX
% TeX doesn't seem to support nested loops; therefore, this needs to be
% flattened out to a single loop that runs from 0 to 330, where 331
% is the total number of characters if you add the length of all the
% lines together. This was determined by the following python code:
% >>> lines = [" " * abs(n) + "*" * (21 - 2 * abs(n)) for n in range(-10,11)]
% >>> sum(len(line) for line in lines)
% 331
% The general algorithm is as follows (prototyped in python):
% linecounter = -10
% linelen = 0
% for charcounter = 0 to 330:
% # If start of line, reset all variables
% if linelen < 1:
% line = ""
% numspaces = abs(linecounter)
% numstars = 21 - 2 *numspaces
% linelen = numspaces + numstars
% # If not done with spaces, append space to line
% if linelen > numstars:
% line += " "
% # Else, append star to line
% else:
% line += "*"
% # If end of line, output line and increment line counter
% linelen -= 1
% if linelen < 1:
% print(line)
% linecounter += 1
% numspaces = abs(linecounter)
\multiply\numspaces -1
% numstars = 21 - 2 *numspaces
\multiply\numstars -2
\advance\numstars 21
% linelen = \numspaces + \numstars
\advance\linelen \numstars
\addtomacro\line{ }
\advance\linelen -1
\advance\linecounter 1
\advance\charcounter 1
\ifnum \charcounter<331
Baklava in Tex was written by:
If you see anything you'd like to change or update, please consider contributing.
No 'How to Implement the Solution' section available. Please consider contributing.
No 'How to Run the Solution' section available. Please consider contributing.